Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Paragraph on Blogging

The past few weeks in computer I have been blogging. Blog this, Blog that. Blog Blog Blog! anyway, this has been a new experience for me and I think I will continue to use the blog tool. I graduate in 4-5 years so I don't even know if blogging will be "cool" anymore. So, hopefully if it is, I'll try to incorporate it into my teaching career.
My personal experience with blogging has lead me to believe that it could be incorporated into my classroom. I think it would even be easy to use it. Kids are more technologically advanced now a days and by the time I teach, they will probably be showing me how to use the computer program. The positive aspects of the blogging would be that it would open a whole new world of excitement to the younger kids. They might learn more about other students in other schools. Kids who get left out in real life might be more accepted on their blog. The negative aspects would be that kids might take advantage of it and put up bad pictures or be mean to one another, but I think the positive outways the negative. I will definantly try to use blogging in the classroom in the future.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I agree blogging would be a good tool in school. I plan on using this tool too once I get out of school.